Saturday, October 30, 2010

How males think (general point of view)

Well well well.... this is a question most females have asked me and I find it hard to answer but well, most think with their lower end since men, as theorized, are less evolved than women. No offense Jackoes but this is what general public view us... ahem.

Back to the topic, why do I say that men think with their lower end because women are definitely more emotional!! Guys, are moved and motivated more if there are lust issues involved, all men are born perverted and this is a fact? Proof? Those reading this is the proof. If men are not perverted, you would not have been born. Zin Kak hor? Swell, that is just how this world works.

We Martians, although might not have higher sexual drive than our counterparts, we definitely do have the tendency to show it all out thinking that we are not showing as Martians are god damn fucking forsaken bad actor. Admit it guys... You might have been good at acting to be cool or smart but when it comes to sex, it all boils down to lil' ol Johny.

Well that is all the crap I wanted to write for today. tata~

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